A lucky paw for all your ways
Leap into new adventures as Jade, the Blissful Seer: Pandaria's hopping spirit rabbit who will take you across Azeroth and beyond with great fortune. Legend has it that in her eyes you can see the greatest happiness anyone can have, even if he hasn't experienced it yet.
Charge into battle

Ready to go
Jade the Blissful Seer will be available immediately after completing the purchase.

Shared between characters
Once activated, your purchase will apply to current and future characters on a single Battle.net account in one region. Jade the Blissful Seer will appear in each character's Collections interface.

auto adjust
The mount automatically adjusts to the fastest mount skill each character has achieved. If they are not yet level enough to use her as a flying mount, Jade can be used as a ground mount.
*Mount Available for World of Warcraft Retail. Not valid for Classic.