A remastered strategy classic

Return to the Koprulu Sector
Discover the story that starts it all, when the three races - the mechanized terrans, the psionic protoss and the insectoid zerg - meet for the first time. Take part in a conflict that spans multiple worlds across more than 50 campaign missions.

Renewed real-time strategy
After completing the campaign, go head-to-head or team up with other players online. Lead your faction and fight for control of eight unique environments. Build your base, gather your army, and lead one of StarCraft's three radically opposite races to victory.

upgrade finished
All players who purchase StarCraft: Remastered will receive digital bonuses in StarCraft II; 3 unique portraits, and Alexei Stukov, an Infested co-op commander, leading a large army combining Zerg and Terran units.
StarCraft: Cartooned

The renewal of a classic
Fill your StarCraft: Remastered experience with the joy and caricature of Carbot Animations! Whether you're returning to the Koprulu Sector or visiting it for the first time, StarCraft: Cartooned is a completely new experience of the classic sci-fi real-time strategy game.

full recreation
We haven't just worked magic with animated units: every structure, map, and menu in StarCraft: Cartooned, including campaign missions, has been transformed. Whether you're returning to the Koprulu Sector or visiting it for the first time, StarCraft: Cartooned is a completely new experience of the classic sci-fi real-time strategy game.

Full online compatibility
Wreak cartoonish mayhem online! Group up with other players to have fun in your favorite custom games or go head-to-head against your opponents on the competitive ladder. You'll be able to play them all, even if they don't have StarCraft: Cartooned.