Marca: Blizz Store Perú

Código de producto: custom-ag-dd

Disponibilidad:En stock

R$ 124,83 BRL R$ 152,17 BRL


Method: Battletag Discount 

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Like a kodo in a china shop

Add to your collection a kodo-rable pack that brings a new pet and mount! Kodos are much more than beasts of burden, they are fierce companions and loyal mounts of Kalimdor, though subtlety may not be their thing.

Whether it's riding the Armored Siege Kodo into battle or tinkering with the Crushhoof pet, there's only one guarantee: you can always count on the power of these beasts when you need it.



A couple of faithful companions

Smashhoof Pet

 Enjoy the beautiful company of this rambunctious pet! You can also use the Crushhoof pet in pet battles, World of Warcraft's fast and hilarious mini-game.



Armored Siege Kodo Mount

 Astride this fearsome hulking mount, you'll never lack confidence. The Armored Siege Kodo is a ground mount that automatically adjusts to the fastest mount ability each character has achieved.



Shared between characters

 The Crushinghoof pet and Armored Siege Kodo mount will be ready for you to use immediately after purchase. When you activate them, they will apply to current and future World of Warcraft characters on a single Blizzard account in a region and will appear in each character's Collection interface (Shift+P).


*Mount Available for World of Warcraft Retail. Not valid for Classic.