Marca: Blizz Store Perú

Código de producto: custom-ag-dd

Disponibilidad:En stock

S/. 15.00


 Method: Discount Battletag 


Request: Aggreganos as friends to the battletag that we will indicate to you for 3 days (needed one time only for some products).

You will receive your purchase as a gift in your account.

Call of Duty™ Endowment (C.O.D.E.)


Support the civilian careers of veterans by purchasing these Call of Duty Crew Packs for Black Ops 4!



Call of Duty® Endowment


100% of the proceeds received by Activision from these packages will go directly to funding non-profit organizations that put veterans into high-quality jobs.



Salute Pack


The Call of Duty Endowment Greeting Pack includes an in-game emote, tag, sticker, calling card, and emblem.