[message]Activate the code on the Battle Net website, or here.
Join forces with the flights of Azeroth on their return to the Dragon Isles, a lost kingdom filled with magic and wonder. Awaiting you there are the summoning dracthyr, a new race and playable class of humanoid dragonkin ready to join the ranks of the Horde and Alliance.
Pre-purchase World of Warcraft®: Dragonflight now to unlock loads of items to help you on your next adventures. All items will be available immediately, unless otherwise specified.
Available on launch day*
Become the Dracthyr Evoker, an ancient race of winged humanoid dragonkin that recently awoke on the Dragon Isles. The Dracthyr Evokers are both a new playable race AND a new playable class, with two specializations: Preservation (healer) or Havoc (ranged magic damage).
The Dragon Isles have been hidden for 10,000 years since the time of the Great Cataclysm. Now its forgotten shores break their slumber with primal energy that calls forth the brave scouts of the Horde and Alliance.
Raise your power to new heights as you level up to level 70 with powerful new abilities, which will synergize with the returning talent tree system with new features.
Choose your edition
Includes a pre-order of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight and the Drakks pet as a bonus pre-order item.
Includes everything in the Base Edition plus the Tangled Dreamweavers flying mount, the Murkastrasza pet, and instant access to a Dragonflight character boost (level 60) so your character is ready for adventures in the Dragon Isles.
Includes everything in the Heroic Edition plus 30 days of game time, Timewalker's Hearthstone effect, Diadem of the Spellkeeper head slot transmog, and Wings back slot transmog of awakening in 5 different colors, one for each of the main flights.
Activation codes valid for accounts in the Americas (US) region. Shadowlands and game time required to play. Base or Heroic editions do not include game time.
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