Marca: Blizz Store Perú

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Disponibilidad:8 En stock

$57.76 USD

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Launch: 10/29/20

Product description

Get the most complete Watch Dogs experience with the Ultimate Edition which includes the base game, Season Pass, and Ultimate Pack. The Season Pass includes a major expansion, additional quests, four iconic heroes, and immediate access to the Complete Edition of Watch Dogs! The Ultimate Pack includes unique characters, additional skins, and 4 weeks of VIP status.


  • Build your resistance to bring back a near-future London from collapse.
  • Recruit and play as anyone in London. Each person you see has their own story, personality, and abilities.
  • Hack armed drones and take down enemies using an augmented reality cloak.
  • Explore a massive open world containing many of London's iconic landmarks, plus fun extra activities.