Marca: Blizz Store Perú

Código de producto: custom-bnet-dd

Disponibilidad:En stock

S/. 40.00


Looks good in any color

Charged with protecting the Emerald Dream, the Faerie Dragon absorbs magic and exudes style with its range of colors. Travel with one of these iridescent dragons and enjoy the instant fame that comes with it.


mounts for battle

Ready to fly!


The Enchanted Fairy Dragon will be available immediately after completing the purchase. It constantly changes color as you ride it!


Fairy Dragon for everyone!


Once activated, your purchase will apply to current and future World of Warcraft® characters from a single account in one region. It will appear in the Collections interface of each character (default shortcut: Shift+P).


auto adjust


The Faerie Dragon adjusts to each character's riding level. If any of them do not have the necessary skill to use a flying mount, the Faerie Dragon will serve as the ground mount.


*Mount Available for World of Warcraft Retail. No valid for Classic.