Blizz Store Peru is a legally established company with RUC 20571469406 since 2012, under the corporate name BLIZZ STORE PERU E.I.R.L.
Our name BLIZZ STORE is registered as a trademark before Indecopi with a certificate number S00125026 under class 35: business management and business administration; purchase of video games and gamer accessories for third parties and grouping, on behalf of third parties, of video games and gamer accessories.
Blizz Store Peru operates independently as an intermediary for the purchase and sale of digital games and virtual objects, and has no relationship with any trademarks or registered companies present on our website or social networks.
Work, perseverance and discipline are the outstanding characteristics of our company that guide our work. The main incentive we have is to permanently provide a quality and cordial immediate assistance service in order to satisfy all the needs of our public.
Promote the gamer culture from socialization and increase the perception of trust towards online purchases of video games by facilitating the process with local, secure payment methods and immediate customer service.
Consolidate ourselves as the largest online store specialized in video games, merchandising and gamer accessories and free trade in all of Latin America before 2030.