Marca: Blizz Store Perú

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Disponibilidad:En stock

$21.75 USD $48.67 USD


Experience mankind's greatest conflict with Battlefield™ V as the series returns to its roots with a never-before-seen depiction of World War 2. Go to war with your squad in all-out multiplayer in modes like the massive Grand Operations and cooperative Combined Arms, or experience the human drama of this era in Campaign War Stories. Battle in spectacular, totally unexpected locations around the world, and experience the most complete Battlefield to date. Now with Firestorm: the Battle Royale, even better with Battlefield.



• Firestorm: Battle Royale made even better with Battlefield. Dominate the largest Battlefield map with epic weapons and vehicles in a deadly ring of flames. Loot, fight and survive, help your patrol to resist until the end.

• World War 2 Like You've Never Seen It Before – Experience battle at unexpected yet pivotal moments of war in this installment that takes Battlefield back to its roots.

• Up to 64-player multiplayer in all-out war: Lead your company in all-out multiplayer and experience new experiences with the massive Grand Operations mode. Play classic modes like Conquest or team up with your friends in cooperative Combined Arms.

• The most complete Battlefield to date: Move around the battlefield with new movement settings for the soldier, fortifications and mobile destruction tools.

• Play Untold War Stories: Experience the human drama of the era in the campaign's War Stories. Glide through the Norwegian mountains and fight for control of nuclear weapons supply lines, fight on the front lines with French colonial troops, or break through enemy lines in North Africa with a gang of renegades to create chaos. .
• Tides of War – Embark on a journey where new content drops transport you and your company to a wide variety of key WW2 locations, where new battlefields and gear await.