We have good news for you who are a fan of Blizzard and of World of Warcraft as Burning Crusade, the famous first expansion of this MMO now has a release date for WoW Classic.
The first thing you should know is that the beta phase of WoW Classsic: Burning Crusade will soon come to an end and that the release date of this expansion will be for the first of June.
To give you a good idea of when and what time it arrives Burning Crusade a WoW Classic, we tell you that it will be available starting at 5 p.m. Peru time on June 1.

As if this information were not enough, we also present an image of what you can find in the World of Warcraft Classic Burning Crusade deluxe edition.

This will be a great time to go back to this MMO or pick it up if you were playing WoW Classic.
The first thing you should know is that WoW Burning Crusade Classic, as it is also known, is that it will be based on the last patch of the original game. Obviously, it will come with some adjustments so that the quality of the game goes with this time of development.
Then, we will have several phases of content, that is, not the entire package will be released at once, so it is important that you make time to play. Also keep in mind that you will have two purchase options, one so you can level up – which can only be done once per character and another so you can keep your character on both the 'normal' and 'Burning Crusade Classic' servers. '.
Don't forget that this new WoW Classic expansion will be available from June 1 in Peru at 5:00 pm.
Do you want this expansion? all you need is Game time to play.... And of course we have it on discount!: